
1 & 2 Corinthians is unavailable, but you can change that!

Paul's letter to the CORINTHIANS speaks to the concerns of today's headlines. Sexual escapades among church leaders, lawsuits among disgruntled church members, and unethical fiscal practices in Christian institutions seem to parade across our television screens. Instead of standing apart from the world, the church has often mirrored its secular surroundings. What would God say to churches and...

STYLE AND SUBSTANCE Some speakers use impressive words, but they are weak on content. Some preachers make the Bible marginal in their sermons in order to hold people’s attention. Even Bible studies give less focus to the Bible than they do to fellowship. Paul stressed solid content and practical help for his listeners. He wanted them to be impressed with his message, not just his style (see 2:1–5). You don’t need to be a great speaker with a large vocabulary to share the gospel effectively.
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